VAE - Virtual Audio Engine 1
Small Data Driven Audio Engine
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NtklbUsing template interfaces isn't an option so this simply defines a default Convolver type
 CMemoryPoolMemory pool interface
 CMemoryPoolStackStack based pool
 CMemoryPoolStdPool which proxies allocations to the stdlib
 N_Redirects malloc for drwav, not really needed since loading and saving wavs doesn't seem to allocate anything on the heap
 CWaveOptionsSmall option struct to save wave files
 CAudioBufferTplClass for handling the most basic audio needs
 CBaseDelegateStripped down version of this delegate implementation Stripped return value, const and free function version TODO tklb add return type back in
 CConvolverBruteTplBrute force convolver using element wise multiplication
 CConvolverMonoTplSingle stage mono convolver based on HiFi-Lofis convolver The FFT and buffers use the tklb types and the simd was replaced with xsimd TODO tklb all ! FIX THIS MESS ! FIX THIS MESS ! FIX THIS MESS ! FIX THIS MESS
 CConvolverRefTplWraps up the FttConvolver to support type conversion
 CConvolverTplMultichannel version of the convolver
 CDelegate< void(Parameters...)>
 CDelegateFactoryA factory is needed to ba able to convert the void pointer back to the object and call the member function
 CHandleBufferTODO broken don't use
 CHeapBufferBasically a bad std::vector without exceptions which can also work with foreign memory
 CMutexStd::mutex wrapper
 CMutexDummyDummy Mutex which doesn't synchronise a all
 COversamplerSuper simple wrapper for the hiir up and down samplers It only goes up to 4x oversampling Its type is also bound to the Audiouffers default sample type in order to avoid including all versions of the hiir library
 CSpinLockSpinlock ! probably not thread safe
 CStackStringSuper simple class to hold and compare strings on the stack
 NvaeContains Typedefinitions and basic structures use by the public API and internally
 CBackendBackend interface used to query devices before creating a actual device object
 CBankBank object containing Sources, Mixers and Events Can be loaded and unloaded at runtime
 CBankManagerHolds all the banks
 CDeviceInterface for audio devices
 CDeviceDummyBackend without functionality
 CDevicePortaudioPortaudio backend implementation
 CEffectEffect pod
 CEmitterAllows placement of a Sound in 3D
 CEngineCentral class handling all outside communication
 CEventAn Event is used to control most of the eingines behavior
 CProcessorNon spatial voice processor
 CSPCAPStruct containing SPCAP and preconfigured speaker setups
 CVoiceBarebones voice
 CVoiceFilterAdditional data needed for filtered voices
 CVoiceHRTFData needed to process HRTFs
 CVoiceMangerThere is only one voice pool and VAE and it's managed here
 CVoicePanData to interpolate panning between blocks or do manual pan
 NStaticConfigContains some fundamental Configuration needed at compile time Dynamic settings are contained in the EngineSettings struct above
 NSpeakersPlacement of the speakers around the listener used for SPCAP panning
 CDeviceInfoBasic struct describing a audio device
 CEngineConfigSettings for the engine defined at EnginePimpl::init
 CEnginePimplSealed of version of vae::core::Engine
 CEventCallbackDataStruct containing relevant data passed to EventCallback provided in the EngineConfig
 CLocationDirectionEmitters have a position and direction vector
 CLocationOrientationListener uses additional up vector
 CVector3Public vae Vector 3 type
 NvaebContains generated Event ids using